Friday, June 4, 2010


This is how my marksheet in my nightmare read:

Pollution- Logical
Environmental Economics-Emotional
GIS and Remote Sensing-Lachrymose
Computers-Provisionally Passed

I think my results might be in a few weeks time. I hope I pass. This nightmare  doesn't portend a very  promising result for me. I'm superstitious and these things unconsciously play at the back of the mind. I swear to God that I will really study the next time around. Anything to keep nightmares like these at bay.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

2nd day of the rains

Lights conked off suddenly. I didn't see it coming. I thought that the it would never build up into a storm. Thunder-storm. Ma'm says that there is a depression near Mumbai. This explains it. Water falling down in torrents. It's white-pure white. Crystal white. I can make out cyclones and anti-cyclones in mid air as the  wind effortlessly tosses  the rain about like it's some fascinating game.  And the rain seems to enjoy  this-surrendering in  an exploding rapture and the Thunder Gods growl. Hailstones showered down now. Looks like a sheet of pearls from afar but a closer inspection would call them perfect cones.Topazes would be more accurate.

For a while all the space not occupied by rain was filled with leaves. Helter-skelter they flew. A branch has fallen on someone's car. Where do all the birds go when it pours like this?

Now the storm has abated. Everything is wiped off the grime and dust. The green looks fresher. There's a traffic jam outside. Horns blaring loudly. But the rumbling thunder is louder drowning everything else. And a hideous dance enfolds.

Yesterday the rains nearly got me but I escaped from it's clutches. I raced with it yesterday and I won. Not a lick I got. Today I'm in the indoors. But the rain seems to have won the battle. I've yet to reach home :)